[GRLUG] Tech blog

Adam Tauno Williams awilliam at whitemice.org
Tue Apr 28 14:28:25 EDT 2009

On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 12:07 -0400, Michael Mol wrote:
> It occurs to me that a lot of us probably blog, and many of us that
> blog very likely talk about technical topics with some frequency. I
> know I do, anyway.  I've got a Slicehost slice I use for Rosetta Code
> that's nowhere near capacity (most of the time), and wouldn't mind
> setting up another Wordpress install on it for, e.g. blogs.grlug.org.
> This isn't a for-profit thing, I wouldn't be running ads, and I'd
> manage the server.
> Do any of my fellow bloggers have an interest in aggregating our
> ruminations through a common portal?  I don't have in mind any
> official restrictions on content, aside from a request that folks
> don't post something that is likely to get my Slicehost service
> suspended, and a suggestion that things retain a technical nature.

Sure, that would be cool;  always thought geographically oriented tech
BLOGs would be cool.  Bound to discover interesting people/projects in
ones own back yard.

I BLOG tech and project stuff on and off at

> It also occurs to me that in lieu of scheduled meetups, this allows us
> to perform spontaneous "presentations", albeit through an online
> format.

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