[GRLUG] March 1st meeting, computer club attendees, Q&A

Michael Mol mikemol at gmail.com
Sun Feb 18 22:38:55 EST 2007

As the GR LUG will be meeting in the same building at the same time as
GRCC's Computer Club, I'd like to get some of the Computer Club
members to come over and quiz the presenters from a student's (and
even non-Linux-user's) perspective.

This would benefit the Computer Club members by allowing them to see
why someone might want to do something in Linux when it can be done in
Windows, and also by allowing them to see how users groups can be a
valuable resource in technology fields.

This would also benefit GR LUG, as it will hopefully bring to light
questions that speak to the introduction of Linux to non-users, and
even pose a welcome advocacy challenge. (As in, one would be
advocating to a curious audience.)

I see it as a mutually beneficial thing, but people giving
presentations should be aware of it, and should expect a different set
of questions than usual.


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