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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Potentially, if there's a conflict
between modules that's locking VB's ability to initialize
virtualized networking. TBH, I don't know enough about the
internals of VB's network stack to know for sure.<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Warm Regards,<br>
Kyle Maas</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 2/17/25 9:10 AM, Grand Rapids Linux
Users Group wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
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Thanks. I'll try it. Should that have different results than
running these 2 commands after the kernel loads?<br>
<p align="left"
style="font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%; text-indent: 0in; margin-left: 0.3in; margin-bottom: 0.06in">
<font face="Times New Roman, serif">sudo modprobe -r kvm_intel</font></p>
<p align="left"
style="font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%; text-indent: 0in; margin-left: 0.3in; margin-bottom: 0.06in">
<font face="Times New Roman, serif">sudo modprobe -r kvm</font></p>
<p align="left"
style="font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%; text-indent: 0in; margin-left: 0.3in; margin-bottom: 0.06in"><font
face="Times New Roman, serif"><br>
<div class="moz-signature">Eric Beversluis<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
href="http://www.ericbeversluis.com" moz-do-not-send="true">www.ericbeversluis.com</a><br>
2x Honorable Mention--Writer's Digest Contest</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 2/17/25 8:43 AM, Grand Rapids
Linux Users Group wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
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<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Does it work if you blacklist the
KVM modules and reboot?</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Warm Regards,</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Kyle Maas</div>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix"><br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 2/16/25 10:18 PM, Grand Rapids
Linux Users Group wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
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content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
I agree with Kyle certain kinds of Linux support being less
needed, but new things keep cropping up.<br>
In last December, my Win 10 VM running in VirtualBox 7.x on
Fedora 40 suddenly lost network connectivity.<br>
Windows tells me: "Unidentified Network/No network access."<br>
From the command prompt:<br>
<blockquote>Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19045.5131]<br>
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
href="C:\Windows\system32" moz-do-not-send="true">C:\Windows\system32</a>>ping [My wireless router]<br>
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:<br>
PING: transmit failed. General failure.<br>
PING: transmit failed. General failure.<br>
PING: transmit failed. General failure.<br>
PING: transmit failed. General failure.<br>
Ping statistics for<br>
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
href="C:\Windows\system32" moz-do-not-send="true">C:\Windows\system32</a>><br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
href="C:\Windows\system32" moz-do-not-send="true">C:\Windows\system32</a>>ipconfig<br>
Windows IP Configuration<br>
Ethernet adapter Ethernet:<br>
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :<br>
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : <a
Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address. . :<br>
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :<br>
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :<br>
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:<br>
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :<br>
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : <a
Autoconfiguration IPv4 Address. . :<br>
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :<br>
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :<br>
I haven't been able to find anything that restores the
internet connectivity. In fact, when I tried opening an
earlier snapshot of the Windows VM, one from a time at which
there was internet connectivity, that snapshot now also had no
internet connectivity.<br>
Also, I thought maybe the December Windows updates had caused
the problem. But rolling back the updates in the VM did not
One idea has just come to me. About the same time the VM
network failed, I started getting warnings that<br>
<font face="Times New Roman, serif">"VirtualBox can’t operate
in VMX root mode." I found that running these two commands
turn off KVM without needing to recompile the kernel:<br>
<p align="left"
style="font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%; text-indent: 0in; margin-left: 0.3in; margin-bottom: 0.06in">
<font face="Times New Roman, serif">sudo modprobe -r
<p align="left"
style="font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%; text-indent: 0in; margin-left: 0.3in; margin-bottom: 0.06in">
<font face="Times New Roman, serif">sudo modprobe -r kvm</font></p>
<font face="Times New Roman, serif">This seems to work fine
until the next time I reboot the computer. Then I have to
run it again.<br>
Is there any chance that this step, to turn off KVM, somehow
interferes with the VB VM network connectivity?<br>
Does anyone have any suggestions for other solutions?<br>
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<p align="left"
style="font-weight: normal; line-height: 100%; text-indent: 0in; margin-bottom: 0.06in"><font
face="Times New Roman, serif"><br>
<style type="text/css">p { color: #000000; line-height: 120%; text-align: justify; orphans: 2; widows: 2; text-indent: 0.3in; margin-bottom: 0.05in; direction: ltr; background: transparent; page-break-before: auto; page-break-after: auto }p.western { font-family: "Bitstream Charter", serif; font-size: 12pt; so-language: en-US; font-weight: normal }p.cjk { font-family: "WenQuanYi Zen Hei Sharp"; font-size: 12pt; so-language: zh-CN; font-weight: normal }p.ctl { font-family: "Bitstream Charter", serif; font-size: 12pt; so-language: zxx }a:visited { color: #800000; so-language: zxx; text-decoration: underline }a:link { color: #000080; so-language: zxx; text-decoration: underline }</style><br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
Eric Beversluis<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"
2x Honorable Mention--Writer's Digest Contest</div>
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