[GRLUG] NetworkManager for servers

Grand Rapids Linux Users Group grlug at grlug.org
Sun Feb 16 20:22:55 EST 2025

I miss network-scripts.  So much easier.  But, yeah, nm-cli mostly.  
Sometimes editing the backing config files on disk directly.  They're 
still config files, just much less accessible.

Warm Regards,
Kyle Maas

On 2/16/25 4:57 PM, Grand Rapids Linux Users Group wrote:
> Hey all!
> Just a general question for those managing Linux servers - what has 
> your experience been with NetworkManager in the server environment?
> I'm running AlmaLinux (RHEL clone) as our primary OS and just recently 
> started transitioning to Alma 9, where the old 
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts ifcfg files are supposedly depreciated 
> and networking *should* be done through NetworkManager. I haven't had 
> any issue for generic VM guests with simple IP assignments, but 
> anything more complex just seems to get increasingly tedious.  For 
> example, bonded-vlan-bridge interfaces with policy based routing has 
> become massive scripting project in Puppet & Ansible.
> I see a few projects exist to restore some of the original config 
> capability, like the NetworkManager-dispatcher-routing-rules package, 
> and I know there's a way to use keyfiles to generate NM connections 
> but, is anyone using them or are you running nmcli commands?  Or 
> ditching NM altogether and restoring systemd-network where possible?
> Thanks!
> Scott Tanner
> Sys Admin
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