[GRLUG] webmin

John-Thomas Richards jtr at jrichards.org
Thu Jun 14 14:17:44 EDT 2012

On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 01:56:29PM -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote:
> Quoting Benjamin Flanders <flanderb at gmail.com>:
> >I remember back in the Mandrake days webmin was an oft used administration
> >tool.
> Oft *attempted* to be used. Webmin was terrible.
> >I don't hear about it much these days.  In fact ubuntu doesn't even
> >have it in it's repository.   I just looked it up and found it is still
> >being updated.  Is there a reason that it isn't used much now days?  Is it
> >a constant hack vector?
> Yes
> >Is there something better?
> Yes, most distributions offer much better admin tools.  And there is
> WebYast if you want the ultimate in effective and *secure* web
> administration.

Meh.  Debian has a great admin tool that's made it's way into every
single distribution.  It's called "vim".

Seriously, though, I'm an end-user.  Have been for fifteen years now.
Other than maintaining a UNIX box (backing up the database and little
more) I've never even come close to being an admin.  vim works.  If I
can't configure it in vim something's wrong with it.  (This is one
reason I don't run e17; its configs are all binary and configurable only
via GUI tools).

Oh, hey.  My random .sig applies.
They know enough who know how to learn.
Henry Adams (1838-1918)

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