[GRLUG] Linux software recommendation for mp3 player

Collin adderd at kkmfg.com
Fri May 18 10:56:20 EDT 2007

>> Yes, I suppose that's understandable. I use enlightenment on less 
>> capable boxes. When your machine is a P4 with 1GB of RAM or more you 
>> start to not care as much when KDE sucks up all the available RAM in the 
>> universe (hey, it looks pretty! SHINY!!!!) but when you are running a 
>> 400Mhz machine you tend not to want to deal with something as big and 
>> bloated as KDE.
> I do not use enlightenment because my machine is underpowered.  I use
> enlightenment because it does what I want it to do.  "Shiny" has no
> sway with me.  I use the blacke theme
> (http://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/blacke/).

I don't mean to insinuate that you run E because of old hardware but 
it's why I do on a few machines. It really does run a lot better esp on 
machines w/o huge horsepower. BlackE looks pretty nice actually. I still 
do like KDE for the shiny factor and it does what I want too. My 
philosophy is that if I'm looking for something other than console then 
I'll go as pretty as I can and still have it be useable. To me gnome 
goes too far away from useable but KDE still makes the cut. Everyone has 
a different opinion on where that cut lies.

So, like you said, free software has that as a big bonus: you use what 
you like and nobody can really question that.

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