[GRLUG] C and C++ Development and GCC

Carlus Henry carlushenry at gmail.com
Sat Sep 9 20:19:07 EDT 2006

Hey everyone...

I just completed installing Mandriva 2005 LE.  I know that it is an earlier
distribution but I was desperate and it was the only distribution of linux
that I had availble at the time.  So far so good.  I am very pleased,
however I am struggling a bit with developing C and C++ programs.

I am a Software Developer with 6 years experience looking to expand my
programming language portfolio...if you will.  I am using the following as
my tutorial and beginning program:


As you can see from this link it is just a simple Hello World program.
However, when I try to compile it using gcc-3.4.3, I get the error
attached.  If anyone has any experience developing C++ and has a clue on the
problem that I am currently facing and how to resolve it, that would be
greatly appreciated.

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