[GRLUG] Board Games

Benjamin Flanders flanderb at gmail.com
Thu May 14 09:41:43 EDT 2009

With the mention of board games, I would be remiss if I didn't mention
that there are two general board game groups here in Grand Rapids.

One is the Grand
Gamers(http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/grandgamers/).  We meet one
Friday a month at someone's house and play mostly euro-style games.

The other is Grand Rapids Area Boardgamers (GRAB)
http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/GRBoardgamers/.  They usually meet
every Tuesday.
They have a big Game day this Saturday.  Everyone is invited.  There
is usually around 200 different games to play and a lot of people to
teach them.

These are the details:
When: May 16th noon to midnight
Burlingame United Church of Christ
1841 Havana SW
Wyoming, MI 49509
Cost:$2 a person which goes towards the provided snacks.

I hope you don't mind me spamming this group just this once with this
I love to see new people get into this hobby, and the board game
community and the geek community correlate pretty strongly.

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