[GRLUG] Now I;m getting a bit ticked.

Michael Mol mikemol at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 11:43:58 EST 2008

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 11:29 AM, Tim Schmidt <timschmidt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, there's the problem.  Typically I'd say something like "Yes -
> all of the above.  Combined wisdom of the community and all that"...
> but what we're talking about here is a systemic dumbing of the
> community on average.  So I don't know.  When churn is low, new users
> can be socialized by the existing group remarkably easily, but when
> new users outnumber greybeards, I suspect a more active approach
> toward education is necessary.  We can look toward other organizations
> for clues...  Churches operate on much the same principles as LUGs...
> weekly sermons, low churn = easy socialization, and a church which
> rapidly looses or gains a significant membership often finds it's
> identity challenged.  No clues there.  :-/  Any other ideas?

A solution in this case may be to point out to the individual in
question that, no, the problem isn't "everyone else", it's them.  They
need it spelled out that they need to learn that they've encountered a
community, that they need to learn how to appropriately interact with
that community, and that if they don't, they'll be ignored either by
having their messages skipped over or by being ejected from the
mailing list entirely.  Churches also have excommunication.


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