[GRLUG] Broadband prices - selection

Dave Kedron protecterofmagic at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 25 11:12:37 EDT 2006

Seems like I'm one of the few who have Cable on this list.  Well, we go through Comcast, and we switched last year from.. I think it was SBC Yahoo.  On cable, I believe are speeds are a bit faster -- though my roommates start to complain about it slowing down once I start seeding 3 torrents at a time.

Sending a file to a friend through AOL IM, I've been able to upload at 45KB/sec consistently.  

I think we are paying $60 a month for our service...  so I'm not exactly sure why it's 60, I think the internet might be apart of a bundle package with the basic cable service for our apartment.  Oh that's right -- we also don't have a land-line phone, so I think that's the reason we went with cable as well.

So all-in-all, I'm happy with the service.

-Dave Kedron

Jim Becher <jbecher at yahoo.com> wrote: All, I have not heard much on the list recently.  I was just interested in what everyone is paying for broadband.  I just switched from Comcast (~$45) per month over to AT&T DSL for $18 per month. And  3 months free  with proof of switching over from a cable modem connection.

So far I have noticed a lower latency and about 2.5 Mbpsdown and 450kps up.  The upload speed is dramatically better with dsl.  I use a vpn connection back to my home for backup / email / and file sharing and the difference is amazing.  

I was very skeptical of DSL, after hearing some horror stories.   However I have not dropped a VOIP call or lost service in the last week.

What has been your experiences with Broadband?

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